March 2024 Update:


Welp, folks - The Book of Belonging is off to the printer and that’s left to do is wait.

If you ordered a Special Edition through our 2021 viral Kickstarter campaign, just sit tight. You will receive your beautiful book in the mail this summer, after Mariko and Rachel lovingly and gratefully package and ship each and every one!

If you’re new to this community and looking to preorder the trade edition (or an old friend looking to grab some more copies!) go ahead and click here. (Trade editions will hit mailboxes and shelves September 10, 2024),

Pre-orders are more important than most folks (even us book nerds) realize. If you love what we’re doing here (or hey, even just a little curious. We will even take orders from the Judgmentally Intrigued) please don’t wait! Pre-order today!

March 2022 Update:

We signed a book deal!!!

Good news: After a wild few months, endless meetings and careful deliberation, we are so thrilled to announce that we have signed a publishing contract with Penguin Random House! The Book of Belonging will publish under their Convergent imprint, which is home to many of our favorite authors.

Honestly, we're still pinching ourselves.

This is in no small part due to the viral nature of our Kickstarter campaign, so thank you for the millionth time to everyone who donated and shared. You helped us prove to the publishing industry that parents and kiddos are eager for a book like this.

Bad news: Our team at PRH has informed us that with supply chain issues and overseas shipping delays, we are looking at quite the delay for the type of book we are looking to make. Unfortunately, this sets us back about a year. That means our "books in hand" date has changed from Summer 2023 to Summer 2024.

Bummer, we know.

And we apologize sincerely.

But here comes the good news again!

Good News: The publisher wants more stories! We promised our Kickstarter supporters a 140 page book, but our publishing deal is for 288 pages! So you're getting more bang for your buck! Double the pages and about 12 new stories in the Table of Contents!

Bottom line: If you're a Kickstarter supporter, you will be receiving a "collectors edition" of The Book of Belonging in summer 2024, along with some goodies and sneak peeks from PRH along the way.

If you're on our waitlist, The Book of Belonging trade edition will be available for pre-order Spring 2024 through all major retailers and you’ll be the first to know!

November 2021 Update: Thanks to our viral Kickstarter campaign, we raised 130% of our original goal, which means books will be printing in 2024!

One of our core values is inclusion and there’s something really beautiful about people being included in our entire process. What an affirming experience it was to see just how many of you share our vision for a new generation of kids’ Bible stories.

Thank you from the bottom our hearts to everyone who contributed and shared! If you missed the campaign, you can still visit the Kickstarter page to read more about our projects and processes. If you’d like to reserve a copy in our next print run, just join the waitlist below and we’ll be in touch!