
Kids have a million questions. I’m sure most parents can vouch for this but when I read my kids stories - especially Bible stories- I’m interrupted with a question just about every 8 seconds. 

To be honest, I find this really daunting. I answer if I can (“Did Jesus have siblings?” “Yes.”) If I can’t answer, I have some qualified “I don’t knows”:

-”I don’t know, but someone does. Let’s research.”

-“I don’t know, but here’s what experts debate. What do you think?”

-“I don’t know because NOBODY KNOWS! Isn’t the world fascinating!?”

I wanted to give parents a tool for this last category. For wonder. Because if we don’t build wonder and mystery and I DON’T KNOWS into our quiet time, we’re kind of just teaching our kids to worship the person who talks the loudest or has read the most books, right? And that’s dangerous. 

So we’re building these little lockups into some of the stories to make our kids comfortable with mystery. To engage them in holy imagination and to inspire them to worship through wonder. 

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Here’s an example of a Wonder Moment from our sample chapter, Five Fearless Sisters.



